2. Activities I did today: Volleyball, cleaning, school, hanging out with best friend, sleepover with boyfriend.
When comparing my top 5 values with the activities that I did today it is clear that many of my top 5 values are active in my daily life. Family is a value that I will always hold number 1 because they are my foundation and the people who show me unconditional love. Whether or not my family is a priority among my daily events does not change their ranking order in my set of values. Athletics is a value that I am very serious about. I play volleyball everyday, year round; therefore, it is a value I will always hold in my top 5. Humor is very important to me, it is a huge part of my personality, as well as the personalities of my friends and family. One very important element in my relationships with people is humor. For instance, my best friend is very funny and we share the same taste in humor. She is my roommate, teammate, and friend; therefore, I am with her nearly every hour of everyday. My boyfriend compares to the love/sex value, which is one that is truly important to me. I think that everyone holds love as a value, because nearly everyone in this world is seeking love or a partner if any. With love comes sex, which is something also very important to me. Hanging out with my boyfriend satisfies my desire for love (i.e., affection, loyalty, companionship, etc.) and for sex or intimacy. Love is a value that hold many subvalues, such as though desrcibed above.
I believe that I chose the top 5 values that I did, because they are ones that I have implemented into my daily life; therefore, those are the values that are most important to me and my life as it is right now. Some of those values will rank among my top 5 values for the rest of my life.
- What belief patterns did you inherit from your family?
- Which of those belief patterns that still have authority in your thinking can you acknowledge are no longer valid?
- What goals do you have for yourself that you have yet to pursue?
- What stands in the way of your acting upon those goals?